AMR Based Intralogistic Process Design, Execution & Control Platform. AUTONOMY@WORK™ is a software platform for Process Managers and AMR Fleet Managers. It offers powerful, user friendly features, supporting the design, execution and monitoring of smart intralogistics processes for manufacturing or warehousing operations.
AUTONOMY@WORK transforms the fleet of versabots into a tireless, efficient digital workforce. Workforce executing work orders directly from WMS / MES systems, and managed by the digital coordinator. So that the human workers can focus on improving the factory or warehouse operations. Navigate this page to explore key functional areas of the platform, and get an overview of the structure of implementation process.
Key functional areas
VERSABOTS can be used to map the shop floor environment, creating most up-to-date representation of intralogistic process workspace. This map can also be used with VIRTUAL FACTORY to verify the processes based on other inputs, such as CAD layouts.
AUTONOMY@WORK offers users powerful tools for visual process design, and evaluation of different process scenarios using VIRTUAL FACTORY simulation tool. This allows Process Managers to achieve optimum performance of intralogistics process before it is implemented on the actual shop floor.
The process activities defined and stored in process repository are executed by VersaBox AMR robots – VERSABOTs. Their work is flawlessly orchestrated by Process Execution Engine – fully automated component of AUTONOMY@WORK platform.
Process Execution Engine collect real time data streams representing events relevant to intralogistics process, such as shipping orders from master processes, localisation and status data from versabots, progress of transport assignments etc.
AUTONOMY@WORK provides Process Managers and Fleet Managers the means to manage the configuration of intralogistics system and supports maintenance and lifecycle management of the assets (versabots, tools, docks, charging stations etc).
Implementing Autonomy @ Work
Replicating existing transport processes with AMRs is a simple task. But reaping the true benefits of Smart Intralogistics takes more than deploying mobile robots. Even as advanced autonomous devices as versabots, equipped with TRUE AUTONOMY navigational AI, provide optimum value when coordinated and aligned with the master process (manufacturing or warehousing) which they are to support. Follow VERSABOX tools and best practices for successful AMR implementation.

The AUTONOMY@WORK platform enables rapid, data-driven implementation of intelligent intralogistics. VIRTUAL FACTORY simulation capabilities, TRUE AUTONOMY navigational excellence, and an open API for safe and seamless integration into the master process are key to achieving business results quickly.
Data Driven implementation process starts with the preparation of realistic simulation of the new logistics process. This process is supported by the VersaBox DIGITAL FACTORY™ simulation and analytics tools.
Software components of the AUTONOMY@WORK platform are installed and configured. Process repository is populated with the process definition developed during the DEFINE stage. After the delivery of the hardware this process definition is complemented with actual VERSABOTS configuration and plant mapping.
Software integration is achieved by using AUTONOMY@WORK open API (Application Programming Interface). API is used for synchronization of robots with PLC components of automatic shelves, monorail or roller transport systems.
Review, initiate and rollout the new, smart intralogistics process.
Versabots are data collecting machines. This allows process managers to evaluate the actual process metrics, and improve processes using VIRTUAL FACTORY™. Any changes of the metrics reflecting the evolution for manufacturing or warehousing operations, can be used in the VIRTUAL FACTORY™ to remodel and improve processes.

This paper is a good starting point for those new to the concept of AMR based smart intralogistics. Start your transformation journey right by appreciating:
- Its importance as the enabler of digital transformation of manufacturing
- Benefits it can deliver to manufacturing and warehousing operations
- The key areas of readiness assessment