Manufacturing has a long, and successful history of automation. There is nevertheless one area that still relies on human work and human operators. The area of intralogistics has many challenges:
- a workforce deficit, plaguing intralogistics jobs;
- competitive pressures demand flexible and scalable operations;
- substantial, operational, and safety risks.
In the European Union alone, work-related ill health, and injury are costing 3.3 percent of its GDP.
The manufacturing world needs a new solution. Smart, safe, flexible, and efficient. Taking advantage of intelligent machines – autonomous mobile robots. VersaBox brings together the talents of the new generation of innovators, software designers, and engineers. The result of their work is a world-class, AMR-based, intra-logistics platform for global manufacturing. AUTONOMY@WORK covers the full lifecycle of the intralogistics process. Design, execution, and control. At the core of the platform are VERSABOTS – autonomous mobile robots powered by the unique TRUE AUTONOMY technology.
TRUE AUTONOMY, an AI-based “digital brain” gives VERSABOTS unparallel agility and maneuverability necessary to navigate a dynamic, unpredictable environment of industrial facilities. AUTONOMY@WORK offers a comprehensive toolset, to transform internal logistics. After VERSABOTS map the environment, managers can visually design any details of the intralogistics process, and specific “virtual” workspace for robots. Simulation tools help rethink and redesign processes for optimum performance. Analyzing and comparing multiple scenarios in the virtual world is much cheaper and faster than doing that on actual, live operations.
After you deploy the fleet of VERSABOTS, the smart machines duly execute all the tasks assigned to them by the multi-robotic system working every day and every night. Their digital brain, TRUE AUTONOMY makes them agile, safe, reliable, and efficient workers and coworkers. The digital revolution in intralogistics is already becoming a reality.
Contact VersaBox to learn how we can help you transform your business. Versabox — the world-class intralogistics platform for global manufacturing and warehousing.
We make autonomy work for you.